This project was our foray into Canal desilting which had to be executed with some different challenges at the site. The main aim of the canal desilting was successful power generation. To counter this we followed a step by step approach right from visiting the site to understand and gauge conditions to designing and selecting a right pump for the given conditions.
Since the slurry was not suspended, the desilting process had to be done with an agitator setup in the pump. A nose agitator wouldn’t be enough to suspend the settled solids, therefore we had to go for a different design to unsettle the silt. We discussed with the user, and understood that water was one of the resources that they can offer in excess for the project. So, we set up a water jetting arrangement with the submersible dredging pump to ensure proper agitation of the sediment. This agitation set up benefits the customer in 2 ways.
- a) Cost effective design compared to physical excavator-arm agitators
- b) To make use of the resources at the site and maximize its utilization, consequently bringing down the operational costs.
Our deep research and insights with a dedicated team of professionals, who worked day in and out, resulted in output that is one of the milestones in this industry. We delivered the project in less than stipulated time at One-third cost. The client was able to desilt the canal 40 days before the date enlisted. This project is now 4 years old. However, success stories like these, inspire our team to make the most use of what we have at the ground level.